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How to Participate
Programme Detail

Idea Creation
What issues can you imagine arising from floods and tsunamis in your city? What could help mitigate that situation? What infrastructure is already in place, and how could that be enhanced to become 'smarter' by combining GNSS & IoT capabilities?
Work with your team and design your concept of a solution.

System Design
Learn about GNSS, IoT and other related technologies through webinars with experts to prepare for the challenge. Design your concept based on your scenario, defining the necessary devices, software and datasets.

Prototype Development
Bring together the necessary components and assemble your device. Install the pre-prepared software and install to the assembled device. Check the interface and organise a series of tests to make sure the smooth running of the prototype.

Demonstrate your team's concept to the audience!
How will your solution benefit society? Convince your audience & judges with your concept. Receive your RPD Certificate and the team with the best concept & prototype will be awarded by the organisers! May the best team win!